September 20, 2011

Waiting for the Next Stop

No, my blog is not forgotten. The carousel of life has me spinning at the moment. Things are busy, but very good. Will I be able to grab the ring as the carousel circles me round and round? Stay tuned to find out. I have a new blog post coming soon.


  1. I'm anxious to see what you write since I don't have squat to say! LOL!

  2. Yay! I've been watching, in fact I have kept you on my blog list, waiting for your return.

  3. @Steven, I know you have lots to say. You just don't have enough time to say it right now.

    @TL Jeffcoat, thanks! I should have a new post up this weekend.

  4. You are a true beauty with an incredible smile. I can see your aura even in this photo. You glow with a God-filled love. Your husband-to-be is a fortunate man. I don't know you, but I sense you are someone special.

  5. Thank you so much @Farrah! I'm in love and happy. :-)
